The Community Coalition for Haiti Board of Directors is delighted to announce that Vince Caperelli has accepted our offer to become the new Executive Director, starting June 10, 2024. Here’s what Vince has to say about his new role…

“Leading the Community Coalition for Haiti is an exciting intersection of my vocation and occupation. Having spent most of my career in marketing and communications leadership and oversight positions, I have a breadth and depth of experience working with for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations. 

“From mid-2014 to mid-2017, I spent more than 23 weeks in Haiti. While leading volunteer groups and advancing community development projects on the ground, I was able to learn more of Haiti’s history and to live within and experience everyday life and culture. My time in Haiti allowed me to develop true friendships, for which I am extremely grateful. 

“In addition to my time in Haiti, I’ve also traveled to Guatemala and Zambia as a volunteer. These international experiences compliment my career in the US and have truly enriched my life. 

“I am so grateful for the warm welcome I’ve received so far from staff and board members at CCH, and I can’t wait to meet the rest of the Coalition in the months to come!” – Vince

The Board also extends our deepest gratitude to departing Executive Director, Clark Seipt. Clark brought CCH into a new era of nonprofit professionalism and organizational strategy. She expanded CCH’s partnerships and stature within Haiti. She led CCH with integrity, grit, and wisdom in her 9 years at the helm. We appreciate her incredible leadership during her tenure and especially throughout this transition.

Clark has moved onto a leadership position closer to home with Loudoun County Public Schools. We wish her all the best there, and we look forward to an exciting future with Vince leading the way!
