Meet Dawensky. He is 5 years old and loves playing on the swings at recess. Dawensky and his older sister attend Lavanneau Primary School. To look at them, you’d never know what these kids have been through.

“I was born in Matissan [just outside of Port au Prince]. I lived there with my family. But after the gangs killed my father and my mother I escaped to Leogane with my sister, my aunt and my cousin. We left with only the clothes we were wearing. After several days there my aunt brought me and my sister to live with my other aunt [Rolencia] in Jacmel.
“I knew my Aunt Rolencia a little bit. She used to come visit us in Matissan. But it was strange at first to live with her here.””I get tired walking so far for school. But I love the teachers, the other kids, and the swings at my school. I also love the food because I always go home with my belly full. I have two friends at school, Marc Arthur and Stevenson. We always play together and love building with blocks. When I grow up I want to be an engineer.
“Miss Metellus is the nurse at my school. She got my aunt to bring me to the CCH Clinic because belly hurts most of the time.”
“I miss my parents so much, but I am lucky to have my sister and my aunt.”
– Dawensky Fils (age 5)
Dawensky has been through so much hardship in his short life, and there’s so much uncertainty still in his future. But TODAY he’s getting a hot meal. TODAY he’s getting a hug from a preschool teacher who cares about him. TODAY…YOU CAN HELP make his future more secure. Food costs are rising each month, and CCH schools are filled to capacity with students — many displaced from Port au Prince by gang violence. Your donation today will help CCH continue to provide nutritious, hot school lunches to all children and meet this rising demand for kids like Dawensky.

“Dawensky’s mom was my little sister. I was furious, then heartbroken when I learned what the gangs did to her and her husband. Living in Haiti is miserable these days.
“When the kids first came to live with me, my niece was anemic and had yellow fever. The children had no clothes to wear. I made a lot of sacrifices so that they could be where they are today.
“Even though Lavanneau Primary School is a little far from where I live now, I wanted them to go there. It’s where I sent my own children. I love and believe in that school. I always had good results with my kids there. I wish I could walk them to school, but because of my job I have to send them on their own.
“One day the school nurse, Miss Metellus, called me to tell me Dawensky had a problem in his belly. She said I needed to bring him to the CCH Clinic. It’s so hard to pay for a moto taxi and get time off work, but I brought him in for a consultation with Dr. Riché. I’m grateful that the visit was free for me. I couldn’t afford a regular doctor bill.
“Dawensky is a hardworking, respectful kid. I wish he didn’t have to live with me, but I’m glad I can be there for him when he needs me.”
– Rolencia Joseph (Dawensky’s aunt)
Unfortunately, Dawensky’s troubles didn’t stop there. He’s had some health issues, too. Read more below from CCH Lead Physician, Dr. Riché…
“After Dawensky complained about abdominal pain at school, CCH School Nurse, Miss Metellus, did a physical examination at the school clinic. She saw swelling, flagging it as an issue. She sent me pictures and urged his aunt to bring him for further testing at the clinic.
“When Dawensky came to the clinic with his aunt, they were both worried about what treatment would be needed and how much it would cost. His swelling had been persistent and untreated. His aunt brought him in because Miss Metellus insisted it was important.
“I ordered an ultrasound and it looks as though he’s suffering from a hernia. However, he needs a better 3D echo scan before we can be sure that is the only issue and move forward with treatment. He will likely require surgery. We will help the family identify their best surgical option around Jacmel.”
– Dr. Sindy Riché (CCH Lead Physician)

If it weren’t for Dawensky’s CCH school nurse, his hernia would have gone undetected much longer. Kids like him don’t have the luxury of regular medical care. CCH brings healthcare to kids right in their own communities thanks to our school nurses. Our donors make it possible for parents (and other caretakers) to afford medical care for their kids.
Families in Haiti are being torn apart. Many people are relocating to the south and settling in and around Jacmel. CCH clinics and partner schools are bursting at the seams. We want to help everyone at our doors, but we need your help!