Dear Friends:
The last two years have been a historical period of transition and uncertainty – for CCH and for all of us.
In Haiti, we’ve seen volatile political unrest, contentious civil clashes and repeated obstacles to the peaceful transition of power. The came a global pandemic, which required us to transition into new ways of living, communicating and planning.

At CCH specifically, we moved out of our beloved Isaiah House. We updated our clinic protocols, time and again. Partner schools closed, then reopened – then closed again. Our surgical patient waiting lists have grown by more than 300%. Student retention rates have dropped as families seek out livelihoods and family support in other parts of the country. We continue to worry about fuel and food shortages, and we pray incessantly for the safety of our staff and partners.
At the same time, we eagerly await the return of CCH Teams to Haiti. We give thanks for the amazing determination and dedication we’ve witnessed in our staff. We celebrate the many ways our programs have grown and how you’ve helped us extend CCH’s impact, especially in these uncertain times.
As I recognize what we’ve navigated and look ahead to what’s coming, I must also alert you to one more transition. One that will impact CCH deeply – because he’s made such an impact on our mission and ministry for 13 years.
Rubinste St. Louis is resigning from his position as CCH In-Country Director at the end of July. It’s been a sincere honor to walk alongside him as we’ve co-led this organization for the last six years. He’s taught me more than I could ever explain – about Haitian culture, about collaboration and leadership, about respect and communication, about ministry and call. We have been genuine partners – complementary in talent, constantly learning together and motivated by our deep commitment to service, mentorship and striving to lead, live and love in the ways modeled by Jesus.
Rubinste is also deeply loved and respected by our Haitian staff and partners. The fact that CCH is not simply a mission organization striving to do good in Haiti – but also a family, bound together by dedication to this ministry and one another – is largely due to his leadership. He leads by example. He is humble and fair, generous and loyal. One of my favorite Rubinste quotes is this: “CCH is not for me. It’s not for you. It’s for everyone.” He will be greatly missed.
I started this message to you with a statement about transition and uncertainty. While Rubinste’s departure is assuredly a significant transition – his departure does not trouble me with uncertainty. That’s because I am certain that Rubinste and I have built a strong, determined and resilient team to lead CCH. I am certain that this work is bigger than any one of us, that God is in it every day, and that He will guide our next steps. I am also certain of CCH’s long term commitment to serve the people of Haiti through transformational partnership and love. We plan to name a new In-Country Director soon and will keep you updated as that process progresses.
Would you please pray for CCH as we enter into our next transition? Would you please pray for Rubinste as he continues his journey? And please pray for Haiti – that the Lord’s peace and love will reign supreme.
Thank you,
“Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.” – Jeremiah 3:15
P.S. – I am collecting messages for Rubinste and also favorite photos of him over the years. I invite you to send such contributions to me at Rubinste can be reached directly at