It’s been two months since that 7.2 magnitude earthquake shook southwestern Haiti. Three months since President Jovenel Moise was assassinated. Eighteen months since COVID washed up on Haiti’s shores. Two years since parliament has had a functioning quorum. And six years years since Haiti’s last presidential elections.
We thought this might be a good time to take a collective deep breath (…inhale…exhale…) and walk you through what’s happening in Haiti.
If you’re not familiar with Haiti’s history, this article provides a good context for Haiti’s current predicaments with regard to poverty, immigration, and political turmoil. Today, Haiti is in a unique position of needing both assistance and autonomy on the world’s stage. This Today Show clip from 10/8/21 shows what the situation is like on the ground now, and why so many Haitians are fleeing their homeland.
Earthquake Response

Haiti is now at an inflection point in earthquake response. The needs are shifting from immediate food, shelter, and medical care, to longer-term recovery. CCH will continue to support earthquake relief efforts spearheaded by the Haiti Response Coalition – HRC (of which CCH is an active member). A few weeks ago, CCH staff in partnership with HRC traveled to remote communities in southwest Haiti to assess communities’ resources and needs. These assessments have been analyzed and used to formulate HRC’s plan to help southwest Haiti.
The main need right now is for money to rebuild damaged homes and water cisterns, and to purchase food in local markets. By making cash transfers to affected families, HRC can help them meet their immediate needs while getting funds into the local economy at this critical moment. Some of the funds CCH received for earthquake relief will be going towards these direct cash transfers to families via HRC. Stay tuned for stories in the weeks to come of how this assistance is transforming lives in southwest Haiti.
Availability of Food/Goods
Fuel prices have continued to skyrocket in recent weeks, and goods and services in Jacmel are becoming more scarce. Supply routes from Port Au Prince and other parts of the country are controlled by violent gangs; it’s simply not safe to even attempt to transport supplies to the southern peninsula. At CCH, we’re experiencing the direct effects of this scarcity in our mission. Recently, we’ve even seen a reduction in the number of patients at our Primary Care and Physical Therapy Clinics because fuel prices are making it too expensive for some patients to come. Motorcycle taxi fees, especially trips from the countryside into town, are becoming cost-prohibitive. Schools are also feeling the impact of families’ stress.
Food insecurity is a big problem throughout southern Haiti as well. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification – IPC) released this map of Haiti in September showing the magnitude of the hunger crisis. (Note that only southern Haiti was surveyed.) Drivers of food insecurity include:
- The August 14th earthquake
- Insecurity due to gang violence
- Inflation
- Tropical Storm Grace (damaging crops and infrastructure)
- Below average rainfall resulting in lower agricultural production

Gang activity and kidnappings continue to paralyze Haiti and keep us from being able to send US volunteers. We’re fortunate that it’s not as big of problem in Jacmel, but still our staff are wary. Some have received threats or know of others who’ve been kidnapping targets. Our staff are currently not traveling between Port au Prince and Jacmel.
What Can You Do?
It can feel overwhelming to have all of these hurdles placed in our paths. But it’s also the reason that this work – the work you make possible – is so important. There is hardship for sure. But there is also hope that defies the odds. God has not forgotten Haiti. The Holy Spirit is alive and moving – every time a CCH physician heals a disease; a Physical Therapist rubs relief into the weary muscles of a patient; a teacher encourages her student to try sounding out that Creole word one more time.
We are able keep making positive change in Haiti because of our YOU and CCH’s amazing Haitian staff. Please pray for us! We believe that Haiti’s local leaders know the best paths forward. And we keenly listen to our Haitian leadership team to understand how our US partners can best meet their needs and empower them to help the communities we serve.
If you’re doing any shopping for loved ones this season, please consider a “Gift for Good” from CCH. We’ve curated our online store to focus on the things our partners in Haiti really need right now. Your gift can provide medicine to a sick patient, give a child a new book, or simply help where its needed most.
Thank you for walking alongside all of us at CCH!