We always say that true change in Haiti will be generational – that bright, passionate, God-loving young people are the key to the country’s future. Any of us who have worked in Haiti can describe a young man or woman we’ve met who inspires us to hope. We recognize the sincerity in their goals; we see God at work in their actions and relationships. They remind us that this work is part of something so much bigger than ourselves.

At CCH, we kept having the same conversation: “Wouldn’t it be fantastic to ignite the same fire, drive and leadership we see in __________ in other young people?!” Imagine if we could replicate these standout people, so that many, many others might also hear and experience the love of God through them!

Let’s do it.

Cohort of Young Haitian Leaders in 2017Over the past year and half, CCH leaders in Haiti and the US have worked together to develop, test, and refine a new leadership development initiative spanning healthcare, education, and community development programs. The original concept called for CCH to convene cohorts of young people to learn together, serve together and grow together in bold Christian leadership in Haiti. Participants would meet regularly in Jacmel, during which time they would participate in targeted training, collaborative service-based work and individual and group mentoring and discussion. Over the course of each cohort’s year of participation in the program, they would build confidence and competencies in a toolkit of core characteristics and skills. Participants would be encouraged to apply their growing toolkit in their own communities by designing and implementing small-scale projects, supported by CCH. Coming together regularly for encouragement and training, leaders would also be able to share and troubleshoot the challenges they faced and celebrate their accomplishments together.

The program concept has been well-received by CCH’s partners and potential participants in Haiti. Hands-on, participatory gatherings at CCH’s Isaiah 61 Guesthouse have identified key values for the program to focus on like transparency, trust, compassion, being a model and respecting the rules. Partners have also prioritized intensive trainings in:

  • conflict resolution,
  • verbal and written communication,
  • creative problem-solving,
  • motivating others and
  • servant leadership.

Boosting skills in these areas will help current and emerging leaders to be effective in their efforts to “make change” in Haiti.

At our most recent gathering in May 2018, an important realization occurred. Although CCH has mobilized a stellar group of facilitators to roll out this program in Haiti, they too are thirsty for training and mentorship. Before change can occur out in the community, our own cohort of leaders must be equipped with leadership skills. That’s why we’re investing in their learning and development over the next 6-12 months, prioritizing an intensive “Training the Trainers” phase of the effort that will better equip them to take active roles in leading this ministry in the months and years to come. Our first Training the Trainers seminar kicks off at the end of this month!

This new leadership development program is no small undertaking for CCH, but it’s potential to nurture and lift up very real and influential changemakers in Haiti is tremendous. We welcome your prayers and participation! Contact Clark Seipt at clark@cchaiti.org for more information.

CCH remains grateful to the National Capital Presbytery of the PC-USA for its willingness to provide pilot funding for this initiative.
